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The Duty to Inquire: How to Have Difficult Conversations with Employees accommodation leadership Jul 25, 2024


Having difficult conversations with employees can be daunting, especially when there might be an underlying disability at play. If you...

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Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Duties, Policies, and Accommodation Strategies accommodation health and safety mental health May 30, 2024


Substance abuse poses significant challenges to employee health and productivity across workplaces small and large. Substance use-related...

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Vision Assessment in the Workplace accommodation ergonomics health and safety return to work Apr 18, 2024


An increasing number of employees are seeking support for vision-related concerns that impact their work and everyday activities. According...

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Medical Documentation: The Role of Doctor Notes in Work Accommodations and Return to Work accommodation disability management Apr 04, 2024


Medical professionals have an important role to play when people with disabilities seek accommodation in the workplace. Employers often rely...

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Working While in Pain: Strategies for Overcoming Cognitive Impairments accommodation brain health ergonomics mental health Mar 08, 2024


Evidence supports that your mind and body are always influencing one another, and one cannot be fully functioning without the other. It is...

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Health and Productivity Trends in the Workplace accommodation disability management diversity/equity/inclusion leadership mental health return to work Feb 22, 2024

In our annual webinar on the top health and productivity trends of the previous year, our team looked at some of the past year’s challenges...

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The Hidden Costs of Presenteeism and Poor Mental Health in the Workplace accommodation mental health Nov 09, 2023


Presenteeism, where employees work while unwell, is a hidden yet increasingly costly issue. When employees do not prioritize their health,...

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Accommodating for Bad Behaviour accommodation Sep 14, 2023


Ideally, the workplace should be a place of respect, professionalism, and cooperation. However, in reality, conflicts frequently arise. As a...

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Guidance for Accommodating Employees with Family Status accommodation diversity/equity/inclusion Sep 07, 2023


Employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering inclusive and accommodating workplaces. One key aspect of this...

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Accommodating Hearing Loss: Understanding, Communicating, and Adapting accommodation Jul 06, 2023


Hearing loss is a common condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, our...

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Accommodating Employees with PTSD: Understanding Function in the Workplace accommodation ptsd Jun 29, 2023


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that has a profound effect on the lives of those who suffer from it....

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Accommodating for Vision Concerns accommodation May 18, 2023


Many of the everyday activities we take for granted, such as watching TV, reading, driving, and working, present difficulties for those with...

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